As Nations Fall (CD)

2016. Massacre Records.
Album tracklist:
1. The Seventh Seal
2. Catharsis
3. Suspension of Disbelief
4. As Nations Fall
5. Cross the Line
6. Legally Insane
7. The End Justifies the Means
8. The Serpents Crawl
9. Black Sun
Album credits:
music by Infernal Tenebra, lyrics by Darko Etinger
Album details:
Produced by Darko Etinger
Mixed and Mastered by Jens Bogren
at Fascination Street Studios, Orebro, Sweden
Album cover artwork:
Gustavo Sazes
Album release date:
January 22nd, 2016
Gesellschaft fŸr Musikmarketing mbH
Rauheckstr. 10 - D-74232 Abstatt
Fax 00 49 (0) 70 62 6 43 75
GeschŠftsfŸhrer Torsten Hartmann
Reg.-Gericht Heilbronn HRB 105248